General Enquiries
Ph: 1300 525 377 (1300 ‘LAKERS’)
Email: [email protected]
Postal Address:
MLBC Lakers Basketball Club
PO Box 176
Lilydale, Victoria, 3140
ABN: 61556311091
Please remember our club is run by volunteers, mostly parents of busy families with their own children. We will endeavour to respond to you as quickly as possible, but your patience is very much appreciated, especially during season registration periods.
Please read the FAQ below before contacting, there’s a lot of answers there.
Less-General Enquiries
Simon Ray
[email protected]
Vice President
Dean Hendrie
[email protected]
Kim McConville
[email protected]
Dale Blythman
[email protected]
Child Welfare Officer
Samantha Featherstone
[email protected]
Girls Co-ordinator (Miniball – U21)
Sarah Walpole
[email protected]
Junior Boys Co-ordinator (Miniball – U15)
Katrina Ripepi
[email protected]
Senior Boys Co-ordinator (U16 – U21)
Dean Hendrie
[email protected]
Uniform & Merchandise Officer
Jen Kimpton
[email protected]
Pick up by appointment only
Events Co-ordinator
Dominique Bellink
[email protected]
Equipment Co-ordinator
Adrew Beaumont
[email protected]
Frequently Asked Questions
- Call the relevant Lakers coordinator regarding a spot on a team
- Go to Registration page & fill in the new player online registration form
- The Coordinator will then advise you how to register and pay via PlayHQ
- A few weeks before the season starts you will be contacted by your coach & advised of your team number, training day & time
- Attend the uniform night/afternoon or registration session to arrange a uniform. If you can’t make it you can contact our uniform coordinator & Merchandise Officer & arrange a time to collect a uniform
- Enjoy the season!
- Call the relevant Lakers coordinator regarding a spot on a team (they will need to know the club, age group and grade your child last played in)
- The coordinator will need to check these details and ensure the transfer is legal. If all is okay, the club will lodge a transfer. Once this is done, the player cannot change their mind.
- Proceed with registration as a new player.
MLBC Lakers are part of the domestic league for Kilsyth Basketball Association (KMDBA); games are played at Kilsyth, Lilydale, Oxley and Melba College Stadiums. Most Boys play on Saturday, Girls generally play Tuesday & Wednesday nights, depending on age.
There is a special program that has been devised for U7 year olds called Miniball, all the children in this program are aged from 4 years old. The boys and girls use a size 5 ball as it is lighter for them to learn to pass, dribble and shoot with.
No experience is necessary, it is a wonderful way to get your child involved in a team sport.
For general club activities and information, we post to both Instagram and Facebook.
Beginning Winter 2023 we are trialing a new communication app called Spond. This allows Team Managers and Coaches to communicate and coordinate attendance for games and training with players and parents, while allowing the Club to communicate directly to all players and parents in a central location when required.
Team managers will add players and their parents to their teams in Spond each season.
The coordinators put a lot of time into placing players in teams. They try to put teams together according to skill level/ability, physical attributes, number of players in a group as well as other factors to balance sides to be competitive across the different grades.
Where possible we like to keep friends together but keep in mind, this may not always be possible.
Team placement priority will always go to the players who have registered and paid their fees. If you aren’t happy with your child’s team placement, please contact your coordinator. We will try to facilitate your wishes but keep in mind, it may be a great chance for your child to make new friends
Firstly discuss this with your Team Manager & Coach as they may already have further information. Remember that the first 3 games of the season are grading and sometimes where a team is entered is not comparable to their skill level. Round 4 is a crossover round where teams may play teams currently in another grade to assist with the grading process.
If as of round 5 you still feel that the team isn’t in the correct grade speak to your Coach and they can then email the team details to the Coordinator to monitor. The Coordinator or a Committee member will then take the issue up with the Association & Grading Committee if they feel the team has been graded incorrectly.
Definitely! We never want a child to miss out on the opportunity to play basketball.
Please contact our Treasurer to arrange a payment plan.
In domestic basketball, there are two seasons:
- Summer – October to March (breaking over Dec/Jan school holidays)
- Winter – April to September
The week before the season starts you will be contacted by your Coach or Team Manager and advised of your team number, grade, training day and time
There are set DOB cut off dates for each season:
- Summer – 31 December
- Winter – 30 June
Eg. If you turn 11 before Dec 31, then you would have to go up to under 12’s for the Summer season.
If you turn 11 after December 31, then you can stay in U11’s for the Summer season
Kilsyth Basketball uses an app, TeamPay, to manage weekly match fees for all teams. The cost of the match fee will be divided evenly amongst all players and will be organised by your Team Manager.
Lakers teams have reversible playing singlets. The first listed team on the fixture must reverse their tops to white. (Then make sure you take a photo at the end of the game, we love seeing Lakers Vs. Lakers!)
Yes. Lakers always reverse their tops to white when playing against Kilsyth Heat as they came into the competition later.
Half of the playable games for the season. (Byes & forfeits are not included).
E.g. 15 rounds requires 8 games to qualify.
If there is any reason a player will not qualify for finals please speak to your coordinator. It is the parent/carer’s responsibility to ensure their child plays enough games to qualify.
For injured or ill players who wish to receive credit for games missed, to assist with qualifying for finals, there are two types of requirements:
- For those players that have already played a game in the current season and are registered in their team for that season, obtain a signed medical certificate, quoting the dates that they are unavailable to play and lodge a copy of this with the club and a copy with Kilsyth, within fourteen (14) days of the days of the diagnosis.
- For those players that have not played a game in the current season, they need to have been registered in their team at the start of the season, obtain a signed medical certificate, quoting the time period that they expect to be unavailable to play and what the injury or illness is. The certificate must be lodged with the club and the club will then lodge a request with the Kilsyth Commission to have credit given for the games missed in that season.
Fill in an incident report at the stadium and ask for an insurance claim form. This insurance will cover some out of pocket expenses but is not a comprehensive policy. You can also download a form from the Kilsyth Basketball website
You need at least four players to start a game of basketball.
If you are unable to field enough players notify your Coordinator ASAP as they may know of a few players who are able to fill in. As a last resort the Club President is notified of the need for a walkover (it costs the club $100+ every time) so the decision must be made by one of the clubs executives.
Kilsyth Basketball Association will not accept a walkover from anyone other than the Club President. Where a team has to forfeit the game in a competition, all registered players of that team will be required to pay any walkover fine imposed by the association. If a team needs to forfeit more than once in a season, the association will consider withdrawing the team.
Speak to your Team Manager as they are always the first point of call as sometimes the rules may change. They may choose to speak to the Coach, and if they agree, the Team Manager may find a Referee Supervisor to watch the game. If this does not improve the refereeing or behaviour, then a complaint needs to come from the Club, in writing. (Please remember, Kilsyth Basketball will not consider any complaint which has not come through the Club)
Please contact the President with the game details (date, time, stadium) & an explanation of what was wrong with the refereeing or behaviour. If the President feels it warrants further action, they will lodge a complaint with the Association and/or relevant Club involved.
- You do not need the referee’s name or any spectators’ names, just a description.
- The referee does not have to give you their name.
- Do not approach the referee or argue with the referees.
Remember the children learn from adults, so set a good example.
- Size 5 – All under 11’s
- Size 6 – GIRLS: under 12 +
- Size 6 – BOYS: under 12 to under 14
- Size 7 – BOYS: under 15 +
Please bring your own basketball to training, but only the coach is permitted to bring a basketball to the game.
No. Only two (2) basketballs per team are allowed into the controlled stadiums on game day. They must be in a bag and remain under the control of the Coach or Team Manager at all times.
We thought you’d never ask!
First, go read about Volunteer Opportunities. Then feel free to contact any of our friendly committee members to find out more. We meet a few times each season and would love to see you there.
First, read our guide on scoring for games.
You can also speak to your Team Manager as they, or other parents in your team could sit with you and show you what to do until you are confident.
Every family is expected to take their turn in scoring, except the coach’s family.
Jump on over to our guide for managing a team.
If you have any further questions, feel free to contact your Coordinator.