How to vote for MVP
Team Managers and coaches need to manage the process for their team coming for MVP each season. This is done through PlayHQ.
Beginning with the Summer 2022/2023 season, MLBC Lakers will be having a full-club end of season presentation event. All our teams will come together to celebrate and recognise the efforts of our players, coaches, team managers and volunteers.
Part of this celebration will be the presentation of MLBC Team Awards.
Our Miniball players will each receive individual recognition of their season.
For all our other teams, there are three individual awards as follows:
Most Valuable Player – MVP
The MVP is awarded to the player that best demonstrates commitment to their team, acting as a leader when required or a reliable backbone of a team. They will not always be the best player, but would always be a player that inspires others to be at their best, encourages all their team mates to contribute and lift an entire team during a challenge.
The MVP is awarded through a confidential weekly voting process consisting of a 3, 2, 1 vote per game. Each of the team’s coach, and a rotation of two parents each week will give 3 votes, 2 votes and 1 vote to players after the game (Via the Team Manager). At the end of the regular season, these votes are totalled. Finals games will not be counted towards MVP.
Most Improved Player
Through their ability to listen, learn and be coachable, these players have shown they were able to develop their skills from the start to the end of a season. Their effort and commitment would be an example to all players.
The Most Improved Player is awarded by a Team’s Coach.
Coaches Award
Our Coaches Award recipients are our players who best represent MLBC Lakers both on and off the court. They are the players who have gone out of their way to absolutely Live it, Love it, Lakers in every way possible. They are always a shining example of MLBC Lakers’ sportsmanship towards players, coaches, parents and officials from not only our teams but especially to all others.
Our Coaches Awards are (obviously) awarded by a Team’s Coach.